Organize your home books in minutes, not days!

Catalog hundreds of books in minutes with AI, organize your notes, and discover new reads —all in one app!

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Our mission

For book lovers with growing personal libraries, managing hundreds of books has always meant tedious cataloging, lost notes, and forgotten loans!

HomeBooks transforms this experience by using AI to instantly catalog your entire collection from simple shelf photos, while helping you track loans, manage notes, and discover new reads—all in one place.

Who is the user?

Perfect for anyone with 200+ books who's tired of manual cataloging, forgotten loans, and lost notes. HomeBooks serves scholars keeping track of citations, collectors avoiding duplicates, and readers organizing their growing libraries—making book management effortless for everyone.



Cataloging methods fail

Participants refused to waste a weekend scanning barcodes despite wanting a cataloging solution and willingness to pay.


Costly duplicate purchases

Users accidentally purchased duplicates because they lacked a convenient way to track their books.


Loaner Anxiety

Users had experienced loaning books that were never returned. They found it uncomfortable to ask for their books back and often forgot which ones were loaned.

User quotes

Top features


AI-powered cataloging

Instantly catalog your entire collection from simple shelf photos.


Smart notes & highlights

Keep track of your thoughts and favorite passages in one place.


Personalized recommendations

Discover new books based on your collection and reading preferences.


Dozen other features!

More features that will enhance your experience for managing your personal library!


How does the AI cataloging work?
Simply take photos of your bookshelves, and our AI will identify and catalog your books automatically, including title, author, and other metadata.
How accurate is the AI book recognition?
Our AI achieves over 95% accuracy in recognizing book spines from shelf photos, with continuous improvements through machine learning.
What if I have rare or unusual books?
Our system has information on over 40 million books, including rare and out-of-print editions. For unrecognized books, you can easily add them manually.
Can I track borrowed books?
Yes! You can easily track who borrowed which books and when. We'll send automatic email or SMS reminders to your friends, so you don't need to have that awkward conversation about returning books.
What about my reading notes?
HomeBooks provides a dedicated space for your reading notes, highlights, and thoughts, all organized by book and easily searchable.
Can I import my existing book list?
Yes! HomeBooks supports importing from Goodreads, Excel, and other common formats to make your transition seamless.